Fire Risk Assessments

Did you know the law requires all non-domestic premises to have regular fire risk assessments carried out? Legislation in the shape of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, introduced from 1st October 2006, requires a responsible person to monitor the risks of fire hazards in the workplace.

The law is aimed at identifying, reducing and eliminating potential fire risks in business premises. If you’re the landlord, owner or occupier of non-domestic or business premises, you will be deemed the “responsible person” in charge of fire safety.

How are fire risk assessments carried out?

Companies with five or more members of staff must keep a written record of their fire risk assessment, with documented evidence of its findings and any action required as a result. The fire risk assessments must be carried out and updated on a regular basis, including identifying any fire hazards and people at risk; evaluating, reducing or removing the risk; recording your findings; preparing an emergency plan and providing appropriate training.

The process of assessing the premises isn’t a case of simply having a look around for any obvious fire hazards. It’s an organised, systematic process to evaluate specific factors which determine the likelihood of there being a fire.

Professional help is at hand.

If you think this sounds complicated, help is available. For many business-owners, it’s simply not feasible to manage the fire risk assessment process personally. Here at UK SME Support Ltd, we have qualified professionals ready to help you protect your premises and staff. We can assist you in carrying out a fire risk assessment if you feel you don’t have the required level of competence – or if you simply don’t have enough time – to conduct it yourself.

A competent person is deemed to be someone with sufficient experience, training, knowledge or other relevant qualities to carry out the assessment properly. We can guarantee that by using our services, you will receive the highest level of professionalism. This will enable you to concentrate on your day-to-day duties in running the business, while we ensure your organisation complies with the mandatory fire safety requirements.

The importance of this can’t be over-emphasised, since it’s not just a case of complying with paperwork, but could actually save someone’s life.

What does the fire risk assessment cover?

The fire risk assessment covers many different aspects of the premises. These include identifying fire hazards; preventing fires; assessing the storing and handling of flammable gases and liquids; identifying an emergency escape in the event of a fire and ensuring the lighting is adequate in the escape route to allow people to use it safely.

In addition, it covers installing fire alarms and smoke control systems; erecting appropriate fire safety notices and signs; ensuring adequate fire extinguishing appliances and systems are in place and ensuring the facilities are suitable should the fire and rescue services need to attend.

The person responsible for fire safety must be able to manage the arrangements, including having appropriate fire procedures in place; organising staff training; having regular fire drills; testing and maintaining the equipment and keeping detailed records.

If you’re in need of a helping hand, contact us to find out more about our services.